She's With Me Page 3
"Steady there," laughed Izzy, putting a hand under Meeka's elbow and setting her firmly upright again. "Let's go."
Meeka didn't know how they made it the seven blocks back to Izzy's apartment. If it had been up to her, they probably wouldn't have, but it wasn't. She'd made sure not to have anything stronger than a Coke at the club. It didn't seem to have made any difference. She still felt giddy, cut loose from the world, just like she had the night before. Izzy had her arm around Meeka's waist again, and it was all Meeka could do to follow where she led, through the streets and up four flights of stairs, past the scuffed and dented door of Izzy's place.
It was a tiny studio in a crappy building with no elevator, where the hot plate and toaster oven took up most of the counter space and you had to squeeze past the closet and the single chair to get to the bed. But it was Izzy's, and only Izzy's; she didn't need to check if anyone was home or set up a warning system for returning roommates. As soon as they were in the door—and Izzy kept Meeka from falling one more time when she caught her heel on the edge of the carpet—the jacket slid off Meeka's shoulders as Izzy pushed her up against the wall, with her hands still cold from the outside underneath Meeka's shirt and her mouth hot on Meeka's. Meeka twitched at the scarf tying her hands again. She wanted to pull Izzy closer, to grab her ass and check if she was ticklish under her arms and a dozen things she'd thought about before and never done. And still couldn't do. There didn't seem to be any reason why that should be even hotter than if she could. She thrust her hips forward, and met nothing; Izzy was standing just out of reach.
Meeka moaned her frustration against Izzy's mouth, and Izzy laughed, still without breaking the kiss. She gave Meeka's right breast a squeeze through her bra, then, apparently finding the experience less satisfying than she'd hoped, scooted forward and got her arms around Meeka to try and deal with the fastening.
It was awkward to do with Meeka's arms tied the way they were, and Izzy had to take her face away from Meeka's—but she'd also moved close enough for Meeka to rub up against her. It sent an alarming flash of heat through her belly, even if it was not quite enough, not quite in the right spot, further down.
"You know," muttered Izzy conversationally, "I always used to laugh at guys when they complained about bra hooks. I mean, I do mine behind my back every morning, how hard can it be...? Turn around."
Meeka let out a whimper as Izzy stepped back, but she turned around without complaint. Her fingers twitched—maybe Izzy would untie her hands; it would make getting the bra off simpler, anyway—but when she got the fastening loose at last, she only pushed the bra straps down to Meeka's elbows. It left the cups to hang loose and empty, the underwires grazing her navel, and her breasts to fall free as well. Izzy caught them up, her hands warmer now but still sending shivers through Meeka as she rolled her nipples gently between thumbs and forefingers. Her breath was hot against the back of Meeka's neck, and Meeka's cheek was pressed against the wall. She could see every bump and scratch in the cheap white paint, and she was probably leaving darker spots with lipstick and general wetness. She licked her lower lip, where the skin was broken and sore from being nibbled too much.
Then Izzy let Meeka's shirt fall back into place, the filmy fabric against her sensitized nipples nearly as electric as a touch. Izzy braced herself against the wall with one hand and yanked Meeka's skirt up with the other, making her totter and gasp.
"All right there?" said Izzy, close by Meeka's ear.
It took Meeka a couple of tries before she could make words go. "... Yes," she finally managed. "Very yes?"
"Ah," said Izzy, halfway between a laugh and a satisfied sigh. "Damn, you're hot like this. I mean, you're hot anyway, don't get me wrong, but—" she walked her fingers along the curve of Meeka's belly, working her way inward from the hip, then slid her hand into the waistband of Meeka's underpants. Meeka nearly melted into the wall. "I mean—" Izzy wiggled her fingers further into Meeka's underpants, down the front of her pussy. "You're so sticky, I bet it wouldn't take ten seconds to get you off like this, with my hand, up against the wall, still mostly dressed, I bet you'd like that—"
Izzy's voice was low and frantic, saying all the right things, but her hand wasn't quite doing them. "Higher up," Meeka panted. "Harder."
"Magic word," said Izzy.
"Please." The word came from Meeka's mouth with a jolt, like the first crest of an orgasm. "Oh. Izzy, oh please Izzy—"
Izzy's breath against Meeka's neck was fast and harsh, and Meeka could feel the rise and fall of Izzy's chest where it pressed against her back. And Izzy's fingers, hot and slick now, found Meeka's clit at last, rubbing her off with firm, sure strokes.
It didn't take ten seconds. It didn't take five seconds before Meeka's vision swarmed with brightness and she was moaning her pleasure into the cheap paint. In the end her legs went wobbly and refused to hold her up any more, and she wound up on her knees, huddled on the floor with the ends of her braids brushing the carpet. Izzy crouched over her, petting the back of her neck. Meeka licked her lips with a tongue gone too dry to do it properly. "I want..." she said, "I want another one."
"Do you, you sweet thing," said Izzy. "I think this time you're going to have to earn it."
Meeka settled herself into a sitting position and looked up hopefully. "I could eat you out? I'm really good at eating girls out, ask anybody."
Izzy laughed. "Anybody? You have been busy."
Meeka shrugged, or tried to. The motion pulled at her bound-up arms and brought her attention to the fact—which she hadn't noticed till just then—that her shoulders were beginning to ache. "Well, I mean, I've had a few—" she started to say, at the same time as Izzy was saying, "Not that I'm objecting, or something, I mean Jesus, I've got no grounds to—"
They both started giggling, just like they were sitting on Meeka's couch and watching a bad movie, instead of on Izzy's floor in the middle (Meeka certainly hoped it was the middle) of having sex. "It's a joke, son," said Izzy.
Meeka made a face. "Son? I think I liked 'sweet thing' better." She shifted uncomfortably. "So, um... what about you? Is this the first time you've been with a girl?"
"Yeah," said Izzy, with a little shrug.
It was the first time that Izzy had looked less than a hundred percent confident that day. Confident Izzy was sexy as hell, but this tugged a fond smile at the corners of Meeka's mouth. "Good," she said.
"Why good?" said Izzy. "Would you be jealous?"
"Not exactly, but—I mean, if you've known you were into girls and this whole time—" Izzy had just tied Meeka up and jerked her off against a wall, there was no way saying this should be so embarrassing, but Meeka lowered her eyes anyway. "This whole time I've been crushing on you, and you never told me—I guess I'd be a little mad."
"I'm still not sure that I'm into girls," said Izzy, "but I'm definitely into you."
"Okay." Meeka wiggled happily, which made her shoulders twinge again. "Oh, um. Now that we're at your place and all. Do you think you could untie me?" She looked up and did the big eyes. "Please?"
Izzy's grinned as she scooted over and loosened the scarf. "Hot and a quick learner," she said. "I knew there was a reason I liked you."
Izzy bent over Meeka, working at the knots in her scarf. The loop around her left wrist had come loose enough that Izzy was surprised Meeka hadn't just slipped her hand out, once she'd decided she wanted it free. The knot at her right elbow, on the other hand, had pulled tighter with time and movement. Izzy picked at it with her nails, thought she felt it give, then decided she was wrong, contemplated scissors, and finally got it off by untying Meeka's wrists and then easing the whole thing slowly off her arms. There was still a knot in the scarf. Izzy would deal with that later, though hopefully not with scissors; she liked that scarf.
Meeka sat still, and quiet with only the occasional squeak when Izzy's nails hit a sensitive spot on the inside of her arm, until Izzy slipped the last bit of scarf past her fingers. Then she straightened her back, swung her arms out in front of her, laced her fingers together, and stretched.
Flyaway strands of hair had come loose of Meeka's braids, and a few were stuck to her forehead with sweat. Her shirt was pulled all askew, the bra underneath making it lumpy. Her bottom lip was bitten redder than the lipstick she'd had on, and which had mostly come off. Izzy captured her right hand and traced the red bumps on the inside of her elbow where the scarf had left its cable-knitted marks. They stood out luridly against Meeka's pale skin and made Izzy want to tie Meeka up some more, just to make more marks like that.
Meeka settled against Izzy with a happy sigh when she bent her head to the inside of Meeka's elbow. She kissed the scarf marks, then licked, and then, experimentally, bit.
"Ah!" said Meeka. But she didn't flinch or pull away, not even as a moment's reflex—her reflexes seemed to have been reset, so that all she did was snuggle closer to Izzy as her eyes got heavier-lidded, nearly closing. Izzy bit harder. Meeka groaned.
"I hear," said Izzy, "you're really good at eating girls out."
"Yeah," Meeka breathed. Izzy kept nibbling her way up Meeka's arm, shifting over a bit for a better angle when she got to the shoulder, and Meeka let out a whimper. "Oh, don't stop, please—"
"Keep talking, then," said Izzy, and brought her teeth down hard where Meeka's shoulder met her neck, and throwing one knee over to straddle her lap.
"Oh! Um, I'd—I'd really like to—to eat you out, I mean—I, mm, if you've only had guys do it before you don't know what—Oh God—what you're missing, and I could totally, ah! If you just, you know, got your pants—mmmph!"
Izzy cut off Meeka's stream of babble, adorable as it was, because her mouth was looking especially kissable. Her thoroughly-bitten lower lip taste
d faintly of blood, and she opened her mouth to Izzy's kiss eagerly, panting and squirming beneath her like—well. It would be fun to make Meeka beg some more. But Izzy wanted to take her up on her offer now.
Meeka tried to prolong the kiss when Izzy broke it, sucking at her tongue and licking at her lips as she took her face away. "Lie down," Izzy said, fumbling with the button of her pants, and Meeka nodded.
Her eyes were wide and bright as she lay back, her braids making turquoise curlicues against the dark red of the carpet. Izzy pushed her pants and underpants down around her knees, and shuffled closer to Meeka's face. Meeka reached up, grabbed Izzy by the hips, pulled her closer. The lightest flick of her tongue, as hot on Izzy's clit as it had been in her mouth, was enough to drive away whatever control of the situation Izzy had left. She fell forward onto her hands for balance and ground herself against Meeka's mouth.
In between licks and gasps, Meeka was making eager little whimpering noises. Her hands loosened and closed fitfully on Izzy's ass; Izzy thought she might be leaving marks of her own, but it didn't hurt; it only sent thrills along her spine in a confusing mix with what Meeka was already doing with her mouth on Izzy's pussy. Despite Meeka's earlier boast, Izzy couldn't honestly say if it was a more technically skilled mouth than any belonging to any of the guys Izzy had fucked. It didn't really matter. Izzy was too turned on by that point to care, and it was Meeka's eager cries and wiggling beneath her that filled her mind when she came, and came some more, balanced on the knife-edge between want more and too much longer than she'd thought she could.
She swung her leg off Meeka's face afterwards and sat against the wall, totally wrung-out. Meeka scooted over and snuggled up next to Izzy's still-naked hip. "I did good?"
"Yeah, you did good." Meeka's chin was glistening with a combination of drool, and other stuff, probably. Izzy wiped it off absently with the heel of her hand.
"Soooo..." said Meeka.
Izzy laughed and gave Meeka's nearest braid a tug. Not a hard one. She didn't have enough energy for that; she hadn't been this relaxed since she didn't remember when. Longer ago than she'd last had sex, anyway. "Still angling for another orgasm, eh?"
"Yes, please," said Meeka.
And right there, that was a difference between Meeka and all Izzy's old boyfriends. Not the please—she had managed to train one or two of them to be polite—but—
Izzy loved getting guys off. It was her favorite thing about sex, better than coming herself, even. The way they came apart in her hands—or mouth, or cunt, or whatever—the sounds and the stupid faces they made. It was a letting-go, helplessness, an ultimate trust in her—a power trip, Izzy supposed, just like cutting Meeka's hair. Which meant that Izzy was most turned on just about the time her boyfriends were ready to fall asleep or maybe raid the fridge and play some video games, and no amount of foreplay or letting Izzy come first was really a satisfactory solution.
Meeka, though—not only was she hotter than hell collapsed on Izzy's floor in a well-fucked puddle of girl, but she was just as hot for Izzy as before. And now Izzy was feeling deliciously tired out and satisfied, and Meeka was still begging for it—which was enough to rouse a twinge of renewed interest in Izzy as well. She wondered how lesbians ever got anything done, instead of spending all their time fucking.
"All right." Izzy stood, did up her pants, stretched. They were going to make it as far as the bed this time, at least. She sat on the edge of the bed, toed off her shoes, swung her feet up, and settled back against the pillows by the headboard. "First of all, get your clothes off."
Meeka hesitated for a moment with her hand on the waistband of her skirt—like maybe she was thinking of making a striptease out of it—but in the end she shucked it without ceremony, along with her shirt and disarranged underwear. Then she sat back down on the floor to deal with her boots, her face screwed up in an unselfconscious frown of concentration as she wriggled them off. She looked adorable.
"You look adorable," said Izzy.
Meeka ducked her head and smiled, pink and pleased. That was another thing about Meeka: she had no dignity to affront.
"There's a dildo and some lube in the drawer of the bedside table there. Get them out, then come over here."
Meeka looked good bent over and rummaging through the contents of Izzy's bedside table, too, with her ass in the air and her nipples almost within pinching distance. But Izzy was too lazy to move, and Meeka would be here soon enough.
"Thanks," said Izzy when Meeka handed her the things. "Now get up onto the bed—no, the other way, put your head there—now lie down—perfect." Meeka was settled across Izzy's lap, heavier and more snuggly than a blanket. Izzy stroked her ass. It had gone all tense and broken out in goosebumps. "Cold?"
"A little," mumbled Meeka, with a shrug that moved her whole body. Izzy shifted happily underneath her and kept stroking, feeling Meeka's muscles relax bit by bit.
Another shrug. "Maybe a little."
"Well, I did promise you a spanking. You still up for it?"
Izzy was already drawing back her hand when Meeka said, "Yeah." The blow landed a moment later, stinging Izzy's hand and setting Meeka's flesh jiggling. She flinched, and her "Please," came out on a gasp, but the flinch ended in an unmistakable roll and upward tilt of her hips, presenting her ass for another swat.
Izzy hit her again, and Meeka let out a little squeak, her hands clenching and loosening on the sheet by her head. This was even more fun than Izzy had been imagining. She settled into a steady rhythm of whacking, until Meeka's squeals deepened into moans, and her skin started to turn a lovely shade of pink, and Izzy's palm began to itch. Next time, maybe she should get a belt or something, but in the meantime when Meeka tensed for the next hit, Izzy reached back instead and ran a finger along her pussy, which was just as slick and hot as before. She gasped and tried to grind against Izzy's hand, but Izzy wasn't having any of that; she kept her touch light and hit with her left hand this time. The blow was awkward, weak and glancing, but it made Meeka jump satisfyingly anyway.
Izzy kept up the teasing, not letting Meeka know now when a slap was coming, or whether it would be a short, hard pinch on her clit, or a couple of fingers pushed into her trembling cunt while Izzy let her rock back against the heel of her hand for a few seconds before taking it away. Then Meeka squirmed in helpless frustration because Izzy was doing nothing at all to her, just watching and groping on the bed next to her for the dildo and lube.
Not that Izzy probably needed the lube, but she'd rather be on the safe side—she was new at this, after all, and a toy failing to go in smoothly was not the sort of awkward discomfort that struck her as particularly sexy. Besides, it was a nice, tingly lube—she used it herself sometimes just for that—so she slathered a generous amount on the dildo before nudging it up against Meeka's cunt.
Meeka made a small surprised sound—even though she'd gotten the dildo out of the drawer herself and she could have guessed what Izzy was going to do with it—and clenched her hands, glancing over her shoulder. Izzy doubted she could see much. She pushed Meeka's head back onto the mattress anyway, turning the motion into a reassuring pat, which made Meeka sigh and close her eyes, still thrusting hard, but slower.
"Easy there," said Izzy. "It's all right."
"Mmm," said Meeka.
Izzy took her hand away from Meeka's cheek, and used it to help ease the dildo in instead, pushing with her right hand and getting Meeka's pussy lips out of the way when they wanted to cling. There were a couple of times when Meeka's belly tensed up with a huff of discomfort, and Izzy had to slow down and pet her until she relaxed again, but soon she had the dildo buried up to the end in Meeka. A slap on her ass with the left hand, a push on the dildo with the heel of the right, fingers teasing Meeka's clit the whole time, picking up the pace while Meeka humped frantically and her whimpers got increasingly high-pitched.
When Meeka said, "Please," it was nearly a scream, and too late for Izzy to say no. They would have to work on that. Izzy wasn't sure when her experiment with Meeka—or whatever it had started as—had become plans stretching out into the indefinite future, but for now she was happy to watch Meeka thrashing around on the bed as she spent herself on Izzy's fingers, her gasps turning back into whimpers and her movements becoming feeble twitches when she finally wound down.